September 2016 | 3rd Issue

In This Issue

Scientific Program Committee

Hotel Reservation

Abstract Submission Deadline

APAO Yasuo Tano Travel Grants

Traveling to Singapore

Scientific Program Committee

Chaired by Prof Tin Aung and co-chaired by Prof Clement Tham, the Scientific Program for the 32nd APAO Congress features 15 subspecialties. Formation of the Scientific Program Committee, which includes leading experts from the Asia-Pacific and around the world, is now complete. We are grateful to all the Committee Members for their participation and support of the 32nd APAO Congress in Singapore.

Hotel Reservation

Located across from Suntec Singapore Convention and Exhibition Centre (the Congress venue) in the city's Central Business District, the Conrad Centennial Singapore is the official hotel of the 32nd APAO Congress. Additional hotels near the venue, which suit a range of budgets and preferences, have also been arranged.

All paid delegates can reserve rooms from November 1, 2016. For more information, please visit

Abstract Submission Deadline

The deadline to submit abstracts for the 32nd APAO Congress is September 19, 2016. Authors who wish to present papers, posters, videos and/or instruction courses should submit their abstract(s) via the online abstract submission system at Please go through the submission guidelines before you begin. The first presenting author must register for the Congress before submitting an abstract.

APAO Yasuo Tano Travel Grants

We are now accepting applications for the 2017 Prof. Yasuo Tano Travel Grants for young ophthalmologists in the Asia-Pacific region to attend the 32nd APAO Congress. Priority will be given to ophthalmologists who are aged 40 or below, from a developing country and whose presentations (free paper or poster) have been accepted by the Scientific Program Committee of the 32nd APAO Congress. Each successful applicant will receive US$1000 if they live outside the host country of the 32nd APAO Congress (i.e. Singapore) whereas those who live in the host country will receive US$300.

Interested young ophthalmologists should complete the application form available on the APAO Congress system by September 30, 2016. Selection results will be announced by the end of November 2016.

Traveling to Singapore

Delegates arriving in Singapore by air will disembark at Changi Airport, which was rated the world's best airport by Skytrax in 2016 for the 4th year in a row. From the airport, travelers can take Mass Rail Transit (MTR), bus or taxi into the city. Please note that all taxi rides originating from the airport will incur an additional surcharge.

Although most visitors will travel to Singapore by plane, it is also possible to enter the country by road or train from Malaysia, as well as by boat from Indonesia. Regardless of the point of entry, all visitors to Singapore must have a passport that is valid for at least 6 months after the intended period of travel. For most nationalities, a visa is not required.

However, delegates from certain countries must apply for a visa to enter Singapore. Please visit for more information. The APAO Congress Secretariat can provide a letter of invitation to assist in the visa application process. Contact us at to find out more.

APAO Secretariat
Tel: (852) 3943-5889
Fax: (852) 2715-9490